Our vision
Lao-Tseu said...
If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day, while if you teach him to fish you feed him for life.
Our mission
CPS's mission is to...
promote dignity and to support human development in all its dimensions (economic, social, personal), to work for social justice and to fight against poverty in all its forms, through sharing and solidarity, with the primary objective to strengthen people’s capacity to help themselves and to promote their own development.
Our values
- Human dignity and social justice
- Fight against poverty and social exclusion
- Solidarity
- Equal partnership (equity, ethics, universalism)
- No discrimination (no distinction between religious, social, political or ethnic affiliation)
Intervention strategie
The intervention strategie...
of the Fondation Chrëschte mam Sahel-Chrétiens pour le Sahel is characterised by single and multi-sector projects in rural areas. The sectors of intervention are agriculture, education and water and sanitation. Good governance, environment and climate change, and gender are cross-cutting sectors.
Our actions contribute mainly to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 4, 6, 13 and 15.